
A component that displays data by calendar


import { Calendar } from 'rsuite';



Custom cell styles

Use cellClassName function to specify the custom class name added to each cell. For example, in the following code, we specify that the .bg-gray class name is added on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so that the background color of the cells in these three columns is gray.


Custom week

  • Use weekStart to specify the first day of the week. If isoWeek is set, this property is ignored.
  • Use isoWeek to enable the ISO 8601 standard, where each calendar week begins on Monday and Sunday on the seventh day.
  • Use showWeekNumbers to display week numbers.




Property Type(Default) Description
bordered boolean Show border
cellClassName (date: Date) => string | undefined Custom cell classes base on it's date
compact boolean Display a compact calendar
defaultValue Date Default value
isoWeek boolean ISO 8601 standard, each calendar week begins on Monday and Sunday on the seventh day
locale CalendarLocaleType Locale configuration
monthDropdownProps MonthDropdownProps Props for the month dropdown
onChange (date: Date) => void Callback fired before the value changed
onSelect (date: Date) => void Callback fired before the date selected
renderCell (date: Date) => ReactNode Custom render calendar cells
value Date Controlled value
weekStart 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (0) The index of the first day of the week (0 - Sunday). If isoWeek is true, the value of weekStart is ignored


import type { FixedSizeListProps } from 'react-window';

interface MonthDropdownProps extends Partial<FixedSizeListProps> {
   * The HTML element or React component to render as the root element of the MonthDropdown.
  as?: React.ElementType;

   * The HTML element or React component to render as each item in the MonthDropdown.
  itemAs?: React.ElementType;

   * The CSS class name to apply to each item in the MonthDropdown.
  itemClassName?: string;
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