
Paging navigation, used to assist long lists to load only part of the data, you can quickly switch to the specified data page.


import { Pagination } from 'rsuite';






The layout prop can customize the layout of a paging component. It receives an array parameter and renders according to the order of the values in the array. The default value of layout is ['pager'], and the optional values include: total (total entry input area), pager (page area), limit (entry option area), skip (quick jump page area), - (area placeholder, fill up the remaining space) , | (vertical separator).



Property Type (Default) Description
activePage * number (1) Current page number
boundaryLinks boolean Show border paging buttons 1 and pages
classPrefix string ('pagination-group') The prefix of the component CSS class
disabled boolean | (eventKey: number) => boolean Disabled component
ellipsis boolean Displays the ellipsis
first boolean Displays the first page
last boolean Displays the last page
layout LayoutType[] (['pager']) Customize the layout of a paging component
limit number (30) The number of rows per page.Will use total and limit to calculate the number of pages
limitOptions number[] ([30,50,100]) Customizes the options of the rows per page select field.
linkAs ElementType (button) Customizes the element type for the component
linkProps object Additional props passed as-is to the underlying link for non-active items
locale PaginationLocale Define localization settings to show component text in the user's regional language
maxButtons number Page buttons display the maximum number of
next boolean Displays the next page
onChangeLimit (limit:number) => void; Callback fired when the number of rows per page is changed
onChangePage (page:number) => void; Callback fired when the page is changed
prev boolean Displays the previous page
total * number The total number of rows. Generally obtained through the server


type LayoutType = 'total' | '-' | 'pager' | '|' | 'limit' | 'skip';
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