
An inline edit displays a custom input component that switches between reading and editing on the same page.


import { InlineEdit } from 'rsuite';




With InputPicker and no controls

With TagPicker

With DatePicker

With Slider

Custom Input

InlineEdit can wrap any data input component, including custom input components.


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Property Type (Default) Description
as elementType ('div') A custom element type.
disabled boolean If true, the InlineEdit will be disabled.
defaultValue any The initial value of the InlineEdit when it is not controlled.
value any The value of the InlineEdit.
showControls boolean (true) show the control buttons when editing.
placeholder string The placeholder of the InlineEdit.
size 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs' The size of the InlineEdit.
stateOnBlur 'save' | 'cancel' The state of the InlineEdit when it is blurred.
onChange (value: any, event: ChangeEvent) => void The callback function that is called when the value of the InlineEdit is changed.
onCancel (event?: SyntheticEvent) => void The callback function that is called when the InlineEdit is canceled.
onSave (event?: SyntheticEvent) => void The callback function that is called when the InlineEdit is saved.
onEdit (event: SyntheticEvent) => void The callback function that is called when the InlineEdit is clicked.
children ReactNode | (props: ChildrenProps, ref: Ref) => ReactNode The render function of the InlineEdit.
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