
Card is a container component for displaying data, which can contain multiple child components such as images, buttons, and text. It is used to display information in a structured way.


import { Card, CardGroup } from 'rsuite';




Hover Shadow


With Avatar

With Image



Within Form

Card Group



Property Type(Default) Description
as ElementType (div) HTML tag of the component
bordered boolean(true) Whether the card has a border
children ReactNode The children of the component
classPrefix string ('card') The prefix of the component class name
direction 'row' | 'column' The direction of the card
shaded boolean | 'hover' Whether there is a shadow
size 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' The size of the card
width string | number The width of the card


Property Type(Default) Description
as ElementType (div) HTML tag of the component
classPrefix string ('card-header') The prefix of the component class name
children ReactNode The children of the component


Property Type(Default) Description
as ElementType (div) HTML tag of the component
classPrefix string ('card-body') The prefix of the component class name
children ReactNode The children of the component
Property Type(Default) Description
as ElementType (div) HTML tag of the component
classPrefix string ('card-footer') The prefix of the component class name
children ReactNode The children of the component


Property Type(Default) Description
as ElementType (div) HTML tag of the component
classPrefix string ('card-group') The prefix of the component class name
children ReactNode The children of the component
columns number The number of columns of the group
spacing number (16) The spacing between the stats
Vercel banner