
The List component is used to display a group of data, suitable for presenting list-like content, and supports drag-and-drop sorting.


import { List } from 'rsuite';







index of List.Item is required.

Collection Sort

Each collection is independent, index of List.Item is required. (be unique in the collection)

Fixed Item Sort

Based on Collection Sort, the items in the list are fixed in position during sorting.

List with Custom Item

No Divider



Property Type (Default) Description
autoScroll boolean (true) Enables automatic scrolling when the list overflows
bordered boolean Displays borders around the list items
divider boolean Displays a divider between the list items
hover boolean Enables hover animation on list items
onSort (payload:Payload) => void Callback triggered when sorting ends
onSortEnd (payload:Payload) => void Callback triggered after the sorting operation ends
onSortMove (payload:Payload) => void Callback triggered when an item is moved in the list
onSortStart (payload:Payload) => void Callback triggered at the start of sorting
pressDelay number (0) Delay before sorting is triggered after pressing
size 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs' (md) Defines the size of the list items
sortable boolean Enables sorting functionality for the list items
transitionDuration number (300) Duration (in milliseconds) of the sort animation


Property Type (Default) Description
collection number | string (0) The collection identifier for the list item
disabled boolean Disables the item, preventing it from being moved
index * number The unique index of the item within its collection, required for sorting
size 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs' (md) Defines the size of the individual list item


interface Payload {
  collection: number | string;
  node: HTMLElement;
  newIndex: number;
  oldIndex: number;
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