Tree Table

Tree table is a table that displays hierarchical data in a tree structure. It is mainly used to display structured data.


import { Table } from 'rsuite';

A tree table, primarily to show structured data, requires a isTree attribute to be set on the Table component, while the data is used to define the relational structure through children.

const data = [
    id: '1',
    name: 'Car',
    count: 460,
    children: [
        id: '1-1',
        name: 'Mercedes Benz',
        count: 300
<Table data={data} isTree rowKey="id">



Properties related to tree tables:

Property Type Description
expandedRowKeys string[] Array of key of expanded rows
defaultExpandedRowKeys string[] Array of key of rows that are expanded by default
rowKey string Unique identifier of row data
renderTreeToggle () => ReactNode Custom icon for expanding/collapsing nodes
onExpandChange (expanded: boolean, rowData: RowData) => void Callback function for expanding/collapsing nodes

Note: For custom cells in tree tables, you need to pass rowData to the rendering tree Cell, as it will be used internally to record the state of the node. #issue/2666

const CustomCell = ({ rowData, }) => {
  return (
    <Cell rowData={rowData} {}>

Simple Gantt chart

Specify the tree column

By default, the first column is used as the tree column, and you can specify that the column is displayed as a tree by using the treeCol attribute on <Table.Column>.

Virtualized Tree Table

The tree table supports virtual scrolling, which can greatly improve the performance of rendering large amounts of data.

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